Peer-to-Peer micro-payments for the Open API Economy
Pocket room, 1st floor
21st November, 15:30-16:00
An Open API Economy cannot work on the Internet when micro-payments infrastructure is missing at the fundamental communication layers. API Consumers need to go through the inconvenience to manually subscribe to payment models with individual API providers or intermediaries, while the best option for providers is to use payment processing embedded in API Management Tools, but tailored for the enterprises. Payper (as in “pay per click” or “pay per view”) is an open-source tool that you download and configure yourself. You, as an API Provider, have 100% control. Technically, it is a request router that you place in front of your API (following your own networking rules). The API user is granted access to your API endpoints if he/she included the payment proof in the HTTP request.
Males Alexandru
Senior Back-end Software Developer currently specializing in Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technology. Active in open source projects based on Hedera Hashgraph platform.