

Cheating just a little bit...

Conference Hall

20th November, 16:30-17:30

While it is true that we need to tackle corporate exploitation, grand corruption, and systemic issues, we also need to worry about all the little cheaters. And we need to stop fooling ourselves that little lies, little indiscretions, don’t count. That is the first step. The topic of the presentation, close to the border of psychology, includes those ethical aspects that are tremendously influencing our projects and social life as well. The presenter, talks about the psychological distance between our actions and their impact, about how this distance explains some of our temptations (especially when we fell pray to them) and about the broken window concept applied in ethics (something that we encounter more and more nowadays). Ethics tools available for practitioners are presented and their possible practical results shortly described.

Simona Bonghez

Colors in Projects

Simona Bonghez, PhD, trainer and consultant, owner of Colors in Projects, has over 20 years of experience in delivering training and consulting services in management and project management. Simona thinks that she would not have come this far without a good sense of humor. She really believes that games and metaphors are powerful tools for having interactive and enjoyable experience sharing sessions, thus enforcing the learning process.